Projects |

This website.

Jekyll Resume Template |

Adapted the Resume template in to be used with Jekyll/Github pages

pyDXHR |

Python toolset for data extraction and manipulation for files in the game Deus Ex Human Revolution.

Image Untangler |

Desktop GUI to read, annotate, and calculate centerlines for MRI scans. Created for the Technion Computational MRI Lab. Web scraper |

Simple CLI-based web scraper for the Better Business Bureau

Gyroscope Tracker Demo |

Quick Java/Android app that reads gyroscope sensor data from a phone, stores it a local database, and allows the user to save to a CSV file Web scraper |

Simple CLI-based web scraper for the Better Business Bureau

PyQT VTK Demo |

A python GUI demo made using PyQT5 and VTK. Configured to show the optical potential isosurfaces from a paper I published in Optics Letters.